Male Sport Mannequin, Cross...
Male sport mannequin doing Cross Trainning. Casual style and oval head. The sport mannequins collection includes a wide variety of mannequins...
Estimados clientes, les informamos que nuestro servicio de envío estará temporalmente suspendido desde el dia 5 hasta el 26 de Agosto. Durante este período , cualquier pedido realizado será procesado y enviado a partir del 9 de Septiembre. Apreciamos su comprensión y pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda ocasionar. |
Sport man mannequin with oval head and hands placed on the back. The collection of sports mannequins collects a wide variety of mannequins in sports attitude.
If you need any customization, as the style of base or paint, you can consult the possibilities in our customer service
Return Policy: once received at your home, you have 10 days to return it, guaranteeing you a full refund of the price of the product, with the exception of transport costs, both on and off.
Man Sport Mannequin, Position 1
Man mannequin with silhouette of defined muscles to enhance sportswear. Legs separated in straight position and arms placed behind. Mannequin made of polyester and fiberglass, supplied in gray color, includes a square base.
If you need any customization, you can check the possibilities in our customer service. To learn more about our company and see the latest collections, go to